St Andrew's Logo
St Andrew's CE Primary School, Yetminster

School Council

01935 872430

St Andrew's CE Primary School School Council

During the Autumn Term 2004 the school is establishing a School Council designed to create a regular opportunity for the children of the school to play their part in discussing issues important to them.
Keep an eye on this page to follow their progress.

School Council Minutes Wednesday 26th January 2005

At our recent meeting we discussed and decided the following:

The winner of the logo competition was Annabel Thornton.

Mr.Williams is going to talk to the governors about getting a new dome.

The school council members have gone back to their classes to tell them to stop kicking under the table and to stop throwing food at lunch time.

All years are going to be given catalogues to spend the £1000 the P.T.A has raised for playground equipment. School council members need to ask classes what equipment they would like.

Mr Williams will find out about whether or not class pets are allowed in schools. Class 4 to decide what sort of pet they would like.

A notice has been put up in the staff room for anybody who wants to start a cooking club.

School Council Minutes Wednesday 9th March 2005

Our next meeting takes place on Wednesday @12noon.