Florence Brown School, Bristol

Newsletter    No:31    3 February 2003

0117 966 8152

Dear Parents and Carers

A belated Happy New Year to you all!

Please don't forget that we have

INSET DAYS on Thursday 6 & Friday 7 February 2003 and the school will be closed.

Carol Singing at Broadwalk Shopping Centre

Our singers sang this year in aid of 'Shelter' and raised the marvellous sum of £247.22. Well done.

100% Attenders

Like all good schools we value the importance of attendance. Well done to the following people who have been here every day from September to the end of the Autumn Term in December: Dorian A*, Hector C*, Martinique D*, Richard F*, Lucinda C*, Matthew L*, Philip D* and Shaun R*.

Attendance is improving at a steady rate but can we ask that you telephone the school and inform us if your child is going to be away from school as sson as possible. Also, whilst we appreciate that it is very difficult, please could you try to arrange doctors and dentists appointments for after school hours or try to bring your child into school after the appointment, rather than keep them off from school all day.

If you are having difficulties getting your child in to school, or find that they have started to become poor attenders, then please contact our Educational Welfare Officer Karen Clarke, who is based at Elmfield House in Southmead. The telephone number is 0117 9038427.

Staff Training Days - Critical Skills

I thought it helpful for you to know how important the training almost all the school staff are doing during their training days. It is called 'Critical Skills Training' which is aimed at focussing on the development of lifelong skills needed for work and success in adult life. Early evidence in America has shown that not only does it improve young people's attitude to learning, but raises achievement overall.

We want to become the first special school in Britain to work to this model and show its value for all young people.

Child Tax Credit

We have been asked to distribute a letter from Dawn Primarolo MP regarding the new Child Tax Credit. A copy of this forms part of this newsletter.


A letter is coming home with the Yr 7, Yr 8 and Yr 9 students (Key Stage 3) to let you know about the different clubs that we will be holding after school. There is a choice of Homework Club, Computer Club and Recorder Club. Transport will be available to bring the students home if required. If your child does not bring a letter home, please telephone Mrs Freeman on 0800 7833934.

Short Mat Bowling

Florence Brown Community School has its own Short Mat Bowling Club that meets on Tuesday evenings between 7-9pm. New members are always welcome, phone Dick Berry on 0117 9632991 for more details.

Millennium Volunteers

Would any parent like to be a Millennium Volunteer and help the school and also improve your own skills at the same time? Full support given and generous expenses paid, for more details ring Dick Berry on 0117 9632991.


Please could you make sure that if your child goes swimming they have their own costume and towel. We have a few spare trunks etc but we sometimes get to the stage where someone has to miss the activity as we don't have enough spare items to go around.

If there is anything that you are not sure about or wish to discuss with me, please contact me on the parents' freephone number 0800 7833934.


Reports are being sent home on Friday 7th February for the students in the Secondary Department. If, after reading the report you have any issues that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0800 7833934.

Walkers Crisp Packets and Tesco Vouchers

It's that time of the year again - we do not want you to feel under any pressure to buy Walkers Crisps (who are giving away Free Books for Schools if you collect tokens that are on the crisp packets) or to buy your groceries from Tesco (who, in return for vouchers collected in the store will supply computer equipment to schools) but if you are able to help with these collections, it would be appreciated. Also, if you have any neighbours with either younger children or no children who may be able to help collect these token and vouchers, again it would be appreciated.

Best Wishes
