Florence Brown School, Bristol

About Us

0117 966 8152

The school caters for children aged 4 to 16 years with complex needs including secondary aged children who have various physical impairments. All children are the subject of a statement of special education need (1993 Education Act) and are referred mainly from other schools in the South Bristol area. There are places for 204 on the roll of the mainsite and a further 16 places at the Redcross Street Annexe for KS4 students excluded from mainstream schools.

The children are housed in two school buildings at Leinster Avenue, Knowle - one for primary aged pupils and one for secondary aged pupils. Both buildings are well equipped with facilities for teaching all areas of the National Curriculum and do so through subjects, cross-curricular themes and topics. To carry this out the school is divided into primary and secondary sections and has specialist facilities for Technology, Science and Art, Music, Information Technology and vocational training, and the use of two halls for P.E. and our swimming pool. Local sports and leisure facilities are used to enhance the understanding of leisure and its value outside school. The school also makes use of its minibuses for educational visits which enhance understanding of areas being studied. In addition to this we have 'satellite' classes at Knowle Park Junior School, Novers Lane Infant and Junior Schools and Brislington School. We are at the forefront of developing good inclusive practice in Bristol.

A whole curriculum including the national curriculum is provided in modified and differentiated ways meeting children's individual needs. Accreditation is provided at Key Stage 4 with the Youth Award Scheme, NVQ's, Welsh Board Certificate in Education, Skill Power (City & Guilds) and some G.C.S.E.'s. There is a mini-enterprise scheme and a young enterprise scheme in operation and the school has an excellent work related learning programme linked to careers education and guidance, community work, work experience and local college initiatives to help students become aware of the opportunities after school. The Key Stage 4 pathways are all geared to help support the students transitional plan and progress to lifelong learning.

The whole school has good facilities for support from the school medical service with the help of two school nurses and a physiotherapy department. The school also has an indoor heated hydrotherapy/swimming pool which is used by most children learning to swim. Those who are able also make use of the local swimming facilities. There are visiting teachers for those with partial hearing difficulties and visual problems, and the school is well supported by a speech therapist for those requiring help with language or speech disorders and weekly visits by an occupational therapist.

The school is well staffed with teachers and learning support assistants to provide for the variety of special educational needs in which it is involved. Many staff have had the opportunity to develop specific skills and knowledge in such areas as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Behaviour Modification. It also has links with other schools, colleges and networks in the area and the surrounding counties. We are committed to support local mainstream primary and secondary schools to develop a more inclusive education provision and currently run 4 satellite classes. One of our aims is to help children wherever possible to make a successful return to mainstream.

Florence Brown School has gained Community School status and has a Community Manager who ensures the resources of the school are used by the local community including community education Adult Learning courses (Knowle Experience) as much as possible. Facilities are available for hire for a variety of uses.

The aims of the school are:

  • To provide a quality learning environment for pupils who have complex needs.
  • To provide a caring and supportive environment for pupils who have complex needs so they develop co-operative attitudes and social skills.
  • To promote the self-esteem of each pupil through a small school ethos of valuing every child and allowing them to experience success and a feeling of importance.
  • To provide sympathetic and empathetic staff who are able to work with other professionals and make the children feel valued and secure.
  • To develop confidence and independence through a structured programme so that the young person may leave Florence Brown Community School with the necessary skills and strategies to become a contributing member of society.
  • To promote a successful partnership between home and school.
  • To recognise effort and positive gains not merely measurable attainments.