
Dear Parents
This half-term has really flown by! Yet again the hard of staff,
children and parents has paid off and we have won for the fourth
time, the Outstanding School Award in Yeovil in Bloom. Roszi Baker,
Martin Crane, Michael Waller, Sian Drewery, Alex Ryall, Mrs Dulwich
and myself represented the school at the lunch and prize-giving
ceremony. We received a lovely plant propagator as well as photographs
and the Yeovil in Bloom Shield.
We have decided to postpone our 'Problem Solving' week until the
Spring Term. We are waiting for more national guidance on changes
in the Mathematics and Science assessment and feel, therefore, that
next term will be more appropriate.
Yours sincerely
Special Educational Needs
Just a reminder! Mrs McGrouther holds 'drop-in' parents' sessions
each week - Wednesday afternoons from 2:50pm to 3:20pm - if there
are any concerns you wish to discuss with her, please come along.
Donations Please!
A plea from our Infant teachers. As you can imagine, the children
occasionally have 'accidents' at school. Any donations of children's
shorts, knickers or spare uniform would be gratefully received. Please
give items to the teachers or hand in at the school office.
Many thanks.
House Elections
Following the House Elections on 27 September, we are delighted
that the following were elected and we wish them every success in
their new roles:
Scott | | Jack Bartlett Katie Rice |
Newton | | Lydia Roberts William Ireland |
Shakespeare | | Grace Wheeler Tom Corrigan-Lawrence |
Caxton | | Jake Rimmer Zoe Martin |
All those who stood for election are to be congratulated on the
quality of their speeches and presentations, and also thanks to
those who helped during the elections.
Our school council has also been elected, with the following Class
Year 2 | | Rhiannon Frampton Ellen Bazley |
Year 3 | | Hannah Cottrell Joseph Newman |
Year 4 | | Gregory Wheeler Hannah Alford |
Year 5 | | Matthew Burt / Lee Barge Brooklyn Plumb |
Year 6 | | Ross Piper Jessica Reeves |
They have already had their first Council meeting and Mrs Toal has commented
about their excellent ideas for developments in the school.
Harvest Festival - 'Nightshelter Harvest'
We changed our original Harvest Festival date to give parents and
grandparents more time to get knitting! Our Harvest this year will
be held on Friday 22 November.
Nightshelter would be very happy to receive gifts of adult socks,
scarves, hats, gloves, etc. - anything that keeps people warm!
We will pass all the gifts to our contacts at St John's Church, who
will make sure they go to those in need.
We understand they have already run out of socks and, as winter draws
in, they really will appreciate any help that Huish School can give.
School Ties
As from the end of this month, the Huish school tie can be bought
from the National Schoolwear shop in Glovers Walk.
Parents' Cars on the School Site
PLEASE DO NOT bring your car onto the school site. Children's safety
is really jeopardised by parents who do not comply with this. Sadly
each year we have to make this request. It could be YOUR CHILD at
risk. Permits for parking in the public car park (free of charge)
for the purpose of dropping children off in the morning and picking
them up in the afternoon can be obtained from the school office. If
you do not already have one, please come and ask for one.
New Arrivals
As you probably know, Mrs Patterson is expecting a baby in November.
Mrs Redman and Mrs Hockley will share the teaching of Class 6 until
she returns early in the Spring Term.
Miss Stott is also expecting a baby in February. Last week we held
interviews and have appointed another experienced teacher to take
Class 5 during her maternity leave. Mrs Bland is currently a Deputy
Headteacher in Hertfordshire and is moving to Somerset at Christmas.
We welcome all three teachers to our school and give our very best
wishes to Mrs Patterson and Miss Stott. We look forward to meeting
our new arrivals!
Money Raised for Charity
The House Cake Sales have made our brightest ever total - a staggering
£365 ! We will be supporting the Children's Hospice.
Jeans for Genes Day raised £185 - many thanks for your excellent
Dates - Reminder
The Annual Governors' Meeting with Parents and the Annual General
Meeting of the PTFA is on Thursday 24 October at 7:00pm. Please
come along at 6:45pm for a glass of wine and informal chat.
Half-Term - 26 October - 3 November
PTFA Family Disco - Friday 8 November from 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Nightshelter Harvest - Friday 22 November
Christmas Events
PTFA Christmas Craft Fair - Friday 29 November
PTFA Christmas Bingo - Tuesday 3 December
PTFA Children's Magic Show - Saturday 7 December
Infant Nativity - 10, 11, 12 December
Carol Service at St John's Church - 16 December at 6:30pm
Christmas Parties
Infants - 16 December
Year 3 - 17 December
Year 4 - 18 December
Year 5 - 19 December
Year 6 - 20 December
Christmas Holiday - 21 December - 6 January
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
Poppies will be on sale at school from Monday 4 November - silver collection please.